English 香港站

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招聘註冊      培訓註冊 
 培訓課程總數: 1219
 招聘職位總數: 134
 學員報名總數: 5620
 學員註冊總數: 169603
    關  鍵  字:
課程名稱: 外籍人士廣東話課程 第一級 Cantonese for Foreigners - Basic I [3]
機構名稱: 聖若瑟大學
開課日期: 2016-12-28
授課方式: 面授
課程類型: 外語
上課地點: 澳門倫敦街16號(環宇豪庭三樓)
培訓對象: 感興趣人士
培訓時間: 星期一 19:00-20:30 星期三 19:00-20:30
收費標準: 1800
培訓內容: This course is mainly designed for non-Cantonese speakers who have no knowledge of Cantonese or only a little prior knowledge of Cantonese. The approach focuses on two main areas: speaking and listening. Learners will be introduced to the phonetic structures of the language, simple sentence structures as well as some common expressions used in daily activities.

By the end of the course, Learners are expected to be able to perform basic tasks such as exchanging greetings, asking simple questions about personal information, interests, social language, using phrases, expressions and basic sentences in daily conversations. The course also aims to help Learners develop an appreciation of local customs.


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