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歡迎來到 ETRO Macau Limited



這段賦有創新精神的旅程開始於1968年,創始人Gimmo Etro先生創立了ETRO品牌並開始涉足高級面料行業,以具有原創設計及創新色彩的頂級天然面料而著稱於世。1981年ETRO推出了裝飾紡織精品線,佩斯裡花紋(Paisley)是此系列中最具代表性元素。自此,佩斯裡花紋成就了ETRO的傳世經典,也成為了ETRO的品牌象徵和標誌。1984年ETRO皮具系列產品線的上市,由獨特增塑塗層工藝打造的佩斯裡提花手袋及旅行袋系列,成為了ETRO極致優雅的又一代表之作。1986年,ETRO發佈了家居飾品以及家裝配飾系列,ETRO的高品位的生活方式得以更為完善的傳遞。1980年代末,ETRO首次推出了香水系列,迄今為止共有26款獨家發售的香氛和一家位於米蘭的香水精品店。1990年代,推出的ETRO男女裝高級成衣系列,其創新的精神和精緻的風格,一經面世就脫穎而出。

矜貴的面料,精湛的作品,和在印花上別具一格的天賦,讓ETRO 品牌顯得如此特別,如此與眾不同且不可複製。

ETRO is New Tradition, the sum of artisan know-how and creative experimentation.

The entrepreneurial venture began in 1968, when Gimmo Etro, the brand's visionary founder, launched a production of highly prestigious fabrics using noble and natural fibers, which he embellished with original designs and innovative color ways. In 1981 the furnishing textiles line made its debut. The Paisley motif used to enrich the first collection was set to become the ETRO mark of identity. The product range added another string to its bow in 1984 with leather goods and the bag and travel bag collection in Paisley jacquard fabric, which, thanks to its special resin finish, was to become a symbol of pure elegance. In 1986 ETRO launched the home accessories and complements collection, thus consolidating the brand's lifestyle concept. The creation of the Etro Perfumes division in the late 1980s was a natural consequence and today the collection extends to26 exclusive fragrances and a dedicated boutique. The 1990s saw the unveiling of the first men's and women's prêt-à-porter collections, their inventive and recherché style earning the label instant recognition.

The materials, the workings and a special talent with prints are what make ETRO unique and unrepeatable.


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