English 香港站

歡迎來到 Lyoness Management Asia Ltd.


Lyoness Management Asia Limited

Lyoness is an independent and international shopping community and loyalty program, connected through one unique Cashback Card. This enables Lyoness Members to receive an unbeatable benefit: Money back with every purchase.

Every purchase made with a Lyoness Loyalty Merchant brings cash back into your account. Lyoness is focused on the interests of the Cashback Members and Loyalty Merchants. Caring and trust along with experience and customer satisfaction are central values of Lyoness. Already represented by our branch offices in about 44 countries worldwide, Lyoness opens its benefits for the Asian Market to become No. 1 shopping community in the world.

For our office in Macau we are currently recruiting for an Office Manager / Sales Service Officer in Macau to strengthen our team.


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