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Managing and Actioning your Career Plan
      作者:Hays Hong Kong     來源: Hays Hong Kong     發佈時間:10/11/2008 10:44:41 AM     流覽次數:8898
Managing and Actioning your Career Plan 

Having the plan in place is just the start. Now comes the hard work! Bear in mind you have a number of resources available to you if you just look for them...

1. Your Support Network:
Consider your own network of contacts. Many opportunities become available through referrals and "word of mouth" - so, if you are able, spread the word amongst close friends as to what sort of role you are looking for. Not everyone is good at keeping things confidential, so take care with regard to who you tell.

On the whole, people are usually very willing to help if they can. Get referees "ready" to take calls - there is nothing more positive for a prospective employer than to take a reference from an enthusiastic previous employer. This is much more likely to be the case if you have discussed the prospect with your referee before they get the call. At the very least, you need their permission to give their contact details.

2. Getting the best out of your Recruitment Consultant:
Your recruitment consultant is there to guide and assist you. The better they understand your career objectives the more likely they are to be able to help you achieve them. We like customers to be ours for life (or career at least!) so you can expect honest and open feedback and assessment as you progress through your career.

One of the biggest issues is the communication between you and your consultant. If you don't feel as though they are giving you the right opportunities or talking to you about the right jobs, ask them to restate to you what it is they are looking for on your behalf. You may also change your mind about certain things from time to time as well as perhaps the salary you want or maybe the location. It is important for you to keep the communication going so that these changes can be activated promptly on your behalf.

3. Be aware of changing market conditions:
Things do change quite rapidly in the recruitment market. For instance, the computer system that was in great demand when you were last on the market two years ago is probably not so hot today! Be careful to research what is current, keep an eye on the press so you can keep track of salary changes, job description changes and so on and regularly upgrade and develop your skills.

4. Be prepared to promote yourself:
It is quite normal to feel uncomfortable about selling yourself, but it is a necessary evil not just when you are looking for a job, but when you are advancing your career. It is important you make the most of every opportunity to impress your employer, and if you want to develop your career in a specific direction, let your employer know you are eager to take on any extra projects that may arise in that area.

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