English 香港站

歡迎來到 New Yaohan

職位名稱: Leasing Director    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 10年以上
更新日期: 2024年09月22日 職位類型:


To cope with our rapid growth, we are looking for high caliber individual for the following position.

Leasing Director                                                                 

Role Purpose

The Leasing function is an integral part of the department store’s core operations and development, contributing to its success. The Leasing Director is responsible for heading, managing and overseeing all aspects of the leasing function, including developing the leasing plan to identify, attract and retain tenants and negotiate to achieve the best possible outcome, to ensure the proper tenant mix in line with the business plan.


  • Responsible for the pre-positioning and opening preparation of department store and new projects
  • Responsible for formulating and reviewing leasing strategies, tenant mix during pre-opening stage and renewing stage
  • Lead a small team to ensure leasing processes, procedures, standards, and guidelines are properly in placed and governed
  • Participate in planning and coordination of portfolio enhancement and development projects to ensure a viable to maximize opportunities
  • Review and implementation of policies and procedures to ensure effective tenant management and lease administration and documentation
  • Monitor tenant mix to ensure commercially profitable to the store
  • Keep attuned to retail market trends and developments and be knowledgeable about competitive landscape
  • Collaborate with other department heads to improve tenant performance as well as leasing operations to achieve target rental income budgets and plans
  • Conduct market analysis, cost benchmarking and oversee the P&L of the portfolios


  • Minimum 10 years of experience, preferably with experience in luxury brands especially fashion sector and pre-opening projects
  • Strong communicator and negotiator to deal with both external parties and internal stakeholders
  • Experience with luxury segment of the Macau market
  • Extensive knowledge of leasing management
  • A team player with long related network with brands is a must
  • To be stationed in Macau

We offer competitive remuneration package to the right candidate, including meal allowance, double pay, year-end bonus and medical insurance.

Interested parties, please send detailed resume in WORD format with present and expected salary via e-mail to hr.recruit@newyaohan.com

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only)


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