職位要求: |
Responsibilities 職責
Represent the Brand
towards the customers and collaborate in achieving the quantitative and
qualitative objectives for the store. To induce customer purchases and foster
customer satisfaction and loyalty through the provision of exceptional customer
service with adequate expertise, according to the company-defined rules for excellence
of client experience. Support the Store
manager / Store in charge in the running of the store operations. 代表公司向客人作出產品銷售以達至公司訂下的銷售目標。為客人提供專業意見、引導客人購買及提升客人對品牌的滿意度。根據公司所制度的指引為客人帶來優質服務。協助店舖經理或主管處理日常店舖運作。
Requirements 要求 - College
and above 預科或以上程度
- Minimum 2
years' of retail sales experience, preferably in men’s luxury fashion 最少2年零售工作經驗 (具有男士高級服裝經驗者優先)
- Good communication and interpersonal skills 具有良好溝通技巧, 操流利廣東話, 略懂英語及國語
- Proficiency
in PC skills such as MS Word, Excel 熟悉電腦操作, 如MS Word, Excel
- Highly
motivated individual, dynamic, enthusiastic and service-oriented 積極主動, 活力, 熱情主動及服務態度誠懇
- Ability
to work effectively in a team and work under pressure 具備團隊合作精神
- Ability
to develop and maintain good relationship with customers 能夠與客人建立及保持良好關係
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