English 香港站

歡迎來到 Heinemann Macau Limited

職位名稱: Retail Operation Assistant    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 高中 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 1年
更新日期: 2025年03月06日 職位類型:


Your new job includes

As a member of our family-owned business, you are providing full spectrum of retail operational support to the Store Manager and the team to ensure smooth & efficient operations while being cost effective. Being our Retail Operation Assistant, you will

  • Support and assist the daily operations and administrative work of the stores (e.g. Mall Permit applications, ordering of store supplies, general stationery, fixture defects handling etc.) and all vendor communications related to facilities and store designs including project management of renovation works or construction of new store openings. 協助店舖的日常運營和行政工作以及與相關的供應商溝通,以確保店舖營運順暢。
  • Responsible for providing operational support to different sales channels, including but not limited to order management, picking & packing and on-time-delivery of the goods.支援店舖不同的銷售渠道,當中的工作包括但不只限於訂單管理、備貨及準時送貨。 
  • Accountable for receiving & counting the stock and make sure the inventory record is accurate and responsible for checking the products expiration dates 負責貨品出入庫安排及支援盤點,並需確保庫存記錄準確,並負責檢查產品過期日期 
  • Maintain outstanding, organized warehouse & store condition (cleanliness, lighting, lay out, testers, promotional displays, digital screens, etc.) 確保店舖及倉庫井然有序及整潔
  • Support to generate sales reports, rosters and finance related reports (e.g. daily closing report). 準備銷售報告, 更表和結算報告

 What you should bring along

  • Tertiary educated in Business, Commerce or related discipline. Preferred with at least one year of relevant working experience in retail industry.
  • Detailed-mind, patient, positive with “can-do” attitude.
  • Self-driven with good communication and interpersonal skills and willing to learn.
  • Proficiency in using Microsoft Office such as Excel, Power Point, Word, Outlook, Chinese Word typing and Teams.
  • Knowledge in English, Cantonese and Mandarin is preferred.
 All information received will be kept strictly confidential and for recruitment purposes only.


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